

Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture: A pathway to strengthening resilience of agro-food systems on the continent.

Meeting Objectives

The overall objective of the 18th CAADP PP is to facilitate action-oriented dialogue, engagement, and collaboration among stakeholders on topics critical to developing resilient food and nutrition systems on the African continent. Specifically, the meeting will focus on:

  1. Strategies and actions for upscaling food bio-fortification in Africa with reference to the Declaration on Food Fortification and Bio-Fortification.

  2. Options for the development and promotion of orphan crops and indigenous foods in view of their importance for nutrition security in Africa.

  3. Models for the continued development of home-grown school-feeding programs for improved food nutrition.

  4. Role of Research, Innovation and Education in nutrition-sensitive agriculture for sustainable agricultural development pathways.

Meeting Structure and Approach

Traditionally, the CAADP PP is the African Union’s main agricultural platform for policy dialogue, lessons sharing and accountability among the CAADP Stakeholders to advance the CAADP Agenda.

Key Speakers

Dr. Simplice Nouala

Key Highlights from Technical Sessions of the MAPLE 2022 and 18th CAADP PP

Mrs Esterline Fotabong

Closing ceremony

Dr. Ousmane Badiane

Final Remarks